For those who have a Bible, don't have a Bible, or never read their Bible

Saturday, June 9, 2018

A List of Classic Christian Authors

A List of Classic Christian Authors

Great Christian authors whose work has been enjoyed and trusted, for years. I give you my favorites! Hope this helps you with your Christian walk of faith!

Oswald Chambers - "My Utmost for His Highest" and others.

A. W. Tozer - any of his writings. He doesn't hold back in saying what he believes and believing that most Christian churches are not teaching the "whole" truth of the Bible.

Martyn Lloyd Jones - any of his writings. He has a two-book series on the Psalms that are very, very good!

Charles Hadden Spurgeon - any of his writings. A favorite of all time.

A. W. Pink - a most prolific Christian author. All of his books are a blessing to read.

Andrew Murray - a fine Christian author. Any of his books are worth reading and very helpful in our Christian walk.

W. Ian Thomas - a very great Christian writer! His writing is easy to understand and so helpful to our Christian understanding.

T. Austin-Sparks - a prolific Christian author. His web site is While he was preaching and teaching, he always said "freely received, freely given" - meaning that the Lord blessed him with great Biblical knowledge and he would not charge anyone to have his writings! He never copyrighted his work, and, to this day, his work is not copyrighted. Some books publish his work but they too cannot copyright his work (only their front page, introduction, etc.) Go to Austin-sparks web site and you can read for months!! 

William Law - great Classic Christian author. You will enjoy his thoughts.

Charles F. Stanley - Dr. Stanley is still alive but I consider his writings as Classic. He has many books to choose from and all are great!

Adrian Rogers - Love Worth Finding Ministeries. He recently passed on and is with his Lord but his ministry still exists. He wrote some excellent Christian books.

Bayless Conley - He is still a minister who wrote, and is writing a column entitled "Answers for Each Day." A very sound, Biblical minister!

Corrie Ten Boom - everyone loves her Christian writings!  And any of her books, articles are helpful!

Ruth Paxson - not as well known but her writings are very helpful and so easy to understand!! You won't go wrong if you see a book written by her!

D. L. Moody - everyone knows D. L. Moody! His writings are always very helpful!

A. B. Simpson - I love Mr. Simpson! He took over Moody's organization when Moody passed on. I have many of Simpson's books and enjoy each and every one!

Jessie Penn-Lewis - rather unknown but oh! so wonderful to read! She knows her Bible well!

I know I am forgetting a few more of my favorite Christian writers but do not have my entire Christian library in front of me.  If you know of, or like Christian authors not listed, please tell me about them. I prefer the classics!

I do hope this listing will help you to understand your Christian faith more quickly. I know when I first received Christ as my Saviour and Lord, I asked for wisdom, I asked for the fullness of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and I asked to be more like Christ. It takes a lifetime for us to be pure, humble (another word that is so misunderstood) and just like our Love, our Lord! Yet, if we abide, obey, repent when necessary, then our walk becomes more joyful and happy- no matter what hardships we must endure. God is such a loving, kind, gentle Father!!

Places to order any of these books:

Christian Books - CBD - - books, name of author or name of book.
At Amazon you can order new and used books from various book dealers. I always use those whose "rating is 90% or above. And I have never had a problem with any of the dealers.

~Whispering Wind~

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